Where is the sea

Spotted these two on the beach.  Tide was way out.
I would have been very unimpressed.  No sand for sandcastles and no sea.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 135 new cases, 0 fatalities and 157 recoveries today.

BAHRAIN has placed orders for one million doses of coronavirus  vaccines developed by German company BioNTech and US firm Pfizer, British AstraZeneca and the Chinese Sinopharm for its population as soon it is ready for use.
Contact Tracing - FIVE clusters originating from three citizens and two expatriates infected 61 people with Covid-19 last week,

India crossed the grim milestone of 9 million coronavirus cases, with 45,882 new infections recorded in the last 24 hours. Deaths rose by 584, with the total now at 132,162,
The US reported a record one-day total of new Covid-19 cases - more than 187,000 on Thursday
Russia has reported 24,318 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday. the new daily record. Moscow is the worst-affected city with 6,902 cases.
Germany reported 23,648 new Covid-19 cases for the past 24 hours in its highest daily increase to date,

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