Lockdown 2 Project

It has rained all day and I was grateful to have some 'inside projects' to do. I did most of the outside ones in the first lockdown.

The hall and stairs..... I don't think it's been properly decorated in 16 years, apart from  the darker wall that Tom painted about 14 years ago.

Prep began with taking down the wall hangings, mirror and framed pictures and photos. It was very dusty. Mum helped catch the hangings. Here I am taking the last picture hook out of the wall.
I hoovered the walls and ceiling. Mum had gone by this point just as well because I was up a ladder holding the hoover in one hand and the brush in the other. Fortunately I survived, but I think I may need to borrow my dads double, long ladder when I get to the painting bit.

Thanks for the wonky photo mum :)

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