On top of the piano

Definitely an emergency blip tonight at bedtime. Not a good day for photography though.
 First thing , phoned the Wool warehouse as my order was frozen. Had to reorder. Not for me .. a requested birthday present.
Next anothe phone call to see why the Brasher shoes gor M were still "in the warehouse" after over a week. 
Oh for the days when you could walk into a shop, see what you wanted and then buy it.

Absolutely pouring all day. I felt like Captain Scott as I donned waterproofs, wellies etc to go to the Post office. Fletch.wanted to come too so combined the PO visit with his walk. Luckily the PO is very good about going in with dogs and he does behave himself..Driver licence renewal form plus photo now posted. Lets hope they don't find fault with it.

Back home and sat sewing the tunic while listening to Secret Commonwealth. 
Oh no no! After 20 hours of listening it came to a sudden end, or rather not an ending at all. To be continued! So frustrating, especially as the next book.has not been released,.or even scheduled. As the first book Belle Sausage had a satisfactory conclusion I assumed the next book would be the same. Wrong.

Today is my Great Nephew's 6 th birthday. I'm a great Aunt. That makes me feel ancient. !

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