
By Lazio_Lad

Working Late

Students have their examinations tomorrow,
so we were all burning the midnight oil at work.
Went past the harbour on the way home as you can be guaranteed light there.
Bit blurry with all the damp in the air.
I like the little pilot boat scurrying about as usual.
Thanks for all the interest yesterday
sorry about the image quality

]For the Gurus out there[/b]
Quickly tried reprocessing yesterday's image.
And uploaded three possible versions.
all working from original file.
Same artefacts keep appearing.
Went back to original photos,
it was produced from a six shot panorama,
shot in raw
stitched in photoshop
The artefacts are the same shape as some elements created during the stitching.
but before flattening.
Shapes all blend and disappear
then reappear when uploaded.
Any thoughts

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