Burradoo Journal

By Burradoo

Those pesky foxes again

We call this Arthur’s fern, after our friend Arthur who grew it and gave it to us.
My guide and counsellor Prof Google says that it is a foxtail fern, botanical name Protasparagus densiflorus 'Meyeri'. In fact it’s not a fern at all, since it is propagated from seed, not from spores. It doesn’t like full sun, and seems very happy in this spot under one of the big old pines at the edge of our garden.
One of Prof Google’s sources says that the foxtail fern is so called because the fronds look like a pack of foxes with their tails up. Really? Every fox I ever saw carried its tail straight out behind. (And just to prove the inexhaustible value of Prof Google, the most common name for a group of foxes is not a pack, but a ‘skulk’.)

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