A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Spoils Of A Bead Show

I went to my first bead show, The Intergalactic Bead Show. These are just some of the beads I picked up. From booth to booth prices and selection jumped all over the place. I made a quick trip around the whole place to scout out who had what and for what price. I'm glad I did. The booth I was most impressed with had several thousands strands to choose from all priced from $1.50 to $12.00 with several sales. Many of the ones I purchased from them, others had for WAY more. Some of the booths had ridiculous prices for smaller strands and sales people with quite the attitude. How do you charge $30.00 for an 8 inch strand that the competition is selling at $3.00 for a 16 inch strand? Ridiculous! Overall it was very overwhelming, all the booths, all the beads, and so little time. Next time I will plan ahead to have a bit more time. I am very happy with my purchases though. Now time to start creating...

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