Campbell Park

Continuing on with our 'A-Z of Edinburgh Parks'and today we walked to Campbell Park. There's not very much at Campbell Park. We really do need to find some more interesting parks to visit. However my walk to get to Campbell Park was interesting. First I went up Craiglockhart Hill and then I walked along the Waters of Leith to Colinton so I had lots of run about time. It was a bit muddy though. Just look at the state of my tummy!!

The plan was to walk home via Dreghorn Woods, Redford Woods, Colinton Mains Park and Braidburn Valley Park, but after almost 7 miles of walking Ann had very sore feet and a very sore back and she was cold, so after making me go in the burn in Dreghorn Woods to get clean we just jumped on a bus and came home.

We've both been snoozing for the rest of the afternoon but Ann really doesn't feel well at all. She's aching all over, she has a sore throat and she's really cold even though we've got all the heating on and she's wearing a sweatshirt and a thick cardigan. Maybe she's getting flu? Not that she's actually been in contact with any one to get flu, but that's what it feels like. She doesn't think it's COVID because she still has her sense of smell. She says I stink!! Oh well, ho hum. Perhaps an early night will sort her out. Maybe she's just pushing herself too hard. She goes to the gym every morning to do the 'Couch to 5K' thingy on the treadmill and sometimes she swims as well, so add that to the mammoth walks that she takes me on...................... and maybe it's all just a bit much for a 61 year old??!!


Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park

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