
The beauty of photography, (and blip) is you notice things that most walk past without a second thought. These are the crispy remnants of a wild flower, what it is, I have no idea, but I thought it rather gorgeous in the afternoon sun.

Halfway through lockdown 2. I have no idea why the days of pretty much 'nothingness' just fly by.

Woke up too early for someone in lockdown, snuggled into my warm bed a while before getting up, which was also too early for someone in lockdown! Walked dogs, made a cauliflower cheese for tonight's meal, did some gardening, went out to find above blip, groomed dogs, and that's yet another day gone. Sometimes I think this year has been a total waste of precious time, yet I'm getting used to it! At least I'm slowly learning how to edit, so not all bad!

Cheers! Enjoy your Sunday evening.

BTW This looks better against black!

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