Gwledd ar lan yr afon

Gwledd ar lan yr afon ~ A riverside feast

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Heddiw gwnaethon ni seiclo i lawr cwrdd â Daniel, Richard, Steph a theulu ar Farchnad y Ffermwyr yng Nglanrafon ger Canol y Ddinas. Roedd e wedi bod amser hir ers i ni wedi bod yna ac roedd e'n dda i weld cymaint o bobol yn mwynhau'r heulwen a'r dewis gwych o fwyd lleol.  Prynon ni llawer o fwyd i fynd adref a rhai bwyd diddorol i fwyta ar y pryd. Mwynheuon ni eistedd ar y grisiau yn rhannu'r bwyd - mae'r plant yn hoffi eu bwyd.  Mae'n dda iawn i gael cyfle cwrdd â'r teulu y tu allan i gadw'n ddiogel. Rydw i'n gobeithio bydd y tywydd braf yn parhau.

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Today we cycled down to meet Daniel, Richard, Steph and family at the Farmers Market in Riverside near the City Center. It had been a long time since we had been there and it was good to see so many people enjoying the sunshine and the great selection of local food. We bought lots of food to take home and some interesting food to eat at the time. We enjoyed sitting on the stairs sharing the food - the children love their food. It's really good to have the opportunity to meet the family outside to stay safe. I hope the nice weather continues

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