Lit Up #2

A quiet day in Lockdown. I finished off a batch of Quince Jelly that had been draining over night. To my delight I was given a big bag of quinces a  couple of weeks ago and have made another batch of jelly and a batch of jam. I made some quince paste with some quinces I had ordered at the local weekend farmers market and baked the rest. I have a few larger quinces left to poach in the next few days. What a feast! Many people have quince trees but don't know what to do with them. I am very happy to take them off their hands.
As a treat Hubby ordered some hamburgers from a local restaurant which is doing takeaway meals. He took along some crockery to pick them up. Reminds me of the days when we used to take a saucepan along to the Chinese restaurants for the takeaway.
We watched the slalom and ski jumping in the afternoon then I popped out just after 4 when I saw the sunset. I headed in the other direction, however, as a burst of sunlight lit up the trees in the forest. The light vanished very quickly and was gone by the time I got closer but you can see them glowing in the background in the earlier shot. The image is SOC apart from a crop. The extra shows the darkened trees with part of a rainbow behind them. 

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