A girl and her donkey

This daddy was taking his little girl for a ride on her donkey.  They were having a serious chat before I asked if I could take their photie.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 124 new cases, 0 fatalities and 201 recoveries today.

Inching toward normal, Australia eases some Covid-19 curbs,  opening some internal borders and easing restrictions in regions affected by Covid-19.  With just over 27,800 cases, Australia has done better than most other developed nations in combating COVID-19, thanks to its aggressive response.  There were an estimated 88 cases active throughout the country. 

England will end a national Covid-19 lockdown on Dec. 2 and move into tougher tiered regional restrictions, 

US hits 12 million Covid-19 cases as many Americans defy Thanksgiving travel guidance.  Reuters data shows the pace of new U.S. infections has quickened, with nearly one million more cases recorded in just the last 6 days before the latest record. This compares with the 8 days it took to get from 10 million cases to 11 million, and the 10 days it took to get from 9 million to 10 million.

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