twinned with trumpton


I walked up to school with Alex and then carried onto the Drs; a new sharps bin and an e mail address to see why I'd been turfed out by the surgery in the midst of global pandemic. Charming.

From there I went to Hers for breakfast; before embarking on a winding road home  to sleep some more. Firstly Waterstones - the 30 Day Experiment for Her and Normal People which means I'll probably not finish watching the TV version as inside the 5 pages I read in the shop, it shed so much more light on the story than 9 episodes watched so far. 

Down Leith Walk to inspect more box art works (Keith's robot at the Red Cross shop is a belter), and managed a visit to see some riso prints at the Drill Hall (Walk Don't Walk). 

Lunch / sleep and back to Hers for end of work; shops, dinner, and a chat about Her not drinking for 30 days. I'd suggested 1 Jan 21, but She said there's 30 days before Xmas; why not?  What's encouraging is that after an intial testy defensive reaction, there soon emerged a calmness and a determination prevoiusly absent. Like a belief; whereas previously it was done with no expectation of success. I remember this from smoking. I always said I'd give up by 30 without actually believing it; but when - 4 months short of my 30th, the opportunity arose, I just knew. I see that thought in Her just now. As the introduction says 'there's a lot of us fall between 'normal drinker' and 'alcoholic' - it's a spectrum; some of us are placed differently from others. Hopefully the position on the spectrum will alter by Christmas.

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