
By DramaQueen


Lockdown 2.0 - day 20

Joy of joys, I’m half the woman I was yesterday and it feels sooooooooooo good!

I woke up feeling lighter and brighter, so managed a good wash and brush up and also got dressed for the first time since the 5th November.

The physiotherapist arrived at 11am and seemed really pleased with my progress so far. She’s going to come again next week to start doing a bit more work on my shoulder as well.

The district nurse also came today; we weren’t expecting her but she said she wanted to check on me. It was the same lady as last week and she was annoyed that she’s been trying to contact Salford, leaving messages for various people and no one has got back to her. So, she’s taken it upon herself to remove my dressings and stitches.

Dressing wise, everything looks really good, all the pin sites are nice and dry. The stitches however, presented a problem as they’ve been left in for so long, my skin has started to grow over them so they’re really difficult to get hold of.
She managed to remove 4, but the others were really hard to access and quite painful too.
I told her I’ve been off my morphine for 2 days now and have been managing ok. She suggested coming back tomorrow, but ringing me first, so that I can take some morphine half an hour before she comes, to help reduce the pain when she tries to take out the remaining stitches. Sounds like a plan to me :-)

DQ x

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