
By Houseonahill6

In the oak tree

We have several Oak Trees in the field next to our house and they are full of life .This morning I noticed some movement and was delighted to see a red squirrel. I watched it for about an hour as he scampered through the branches stopping now and again to feast on an acorn or some lichen. It was quick and also motionless at times and easy to lose track of where it was. The rain was coming down and the sun was no where to be seen so not easy to get a photo.
I sat in the arbour after it had disappeared from view and watched the birds.The woodpecker was in the oak tree too, tapping away and making pieces of bark fall to the ground. The goldfinches squabbled over a perch at the feeder while to coal tits dashed in and out to pick up a sunflower seed and fly away to stash it somewhere. A goldcrest landed in the little Scots pine in the garden and searched among the needles.
I went in when I started to get cold and just missed a roe deer that must have jumped the fence and was slowly walking to the other side of the field.
The temperature dropped to 3 degrees in the evening.Hopefully some sunshine to come :)

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