Dyn pren gyda cardigan

Dyn pren gyda cardigan ~ Mannequin with a cardigan

(Dyn pren, 'mannequin', literally 'Wooden man')

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Dyw i ddim yn arfer postio ffotograffau o fy hun, ond roeddwn i eisiau dangos fy nghardigan (dw i ddim ond y dyn pren yn y ffotograff). Dechreuodd Nor'dzin gyda dau o fy hen siwmperi i wneud y gardigan. Sylwodd hi roedd yr un wedi cael cebl i fyny'r canol, felly penderfynodd hi dorri fe i fyny'r un ochr yn lle.  Yna, gwnaeth hi fandiau gyda botymau a thyllau botwm o ran o'r siwmper arall. Nawr rydw i wedi cael cardigan y byddaf yn ei gwisgo'n aml, yn lle dwy siwmper na wnes i erioed eu gwisgo.

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I'm not used to posting photos of myself, but I wanted to show my cardigan (I'm just the mannequin in the photo). Nor'dzin started with two of my old sweaters to make the cardigan. She noticed the one had got a cable up the middle, so she decided to cut it up the one side instead. She then made bands with buttons and buttonholes from part of the other jumper. Now I've got a cardigan that I wear often, instead of two sweaters I never wear.

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