
By bananablip


Today I've had a rare mid-week day off. I was furious when I woke up to more greyness and heavy rain but thankfully, by lunchtime it had cheered right up. I had a couple of parcels to deliver in a local village for mum so I thought I'd make the most of being out and head off for a walk. Annoyingly, it turned out to be on footpaths that weren't very clearly marked and with gates that were all locked and chained up. I kept having to climb over gates, which I hate doing, and kept expecting a farmer to come and shout at me. My phone fell out of my pocket whilst I was climbing a gate and if I wasn't grabbing it to check directions so often, it would still be in the field now. With cows up ahead, and a phone in the mud, I grumpily decided to walk back on the road. Not a huge success. 

I was up in the night and so finally finished Gabriel García Márquez's 'Love in the Time of Cholera'. I've got to say, I was disappointed. Maybe picking up a classic will always set your expectations too high? I found myself reading it for the sake of finishing it in the end. That takes me to 46 books so far in 2020, which considering the kind of year we've had, should really be more. One of the side effects of 2020 for me is the inability to concentrate on reading. Has anyone else had that?

Since we live in Wales and it's allowed, we are going to Farmer Phil's tonight for a roast chicken dinner. How thoroughly countryside of us. No doubt he will ply us with booze so not sure how my zoom church midweek group will go after that.

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