
By Farmerboab

The Big Dig ....

Another day of this and that.
The slaters turned up to strip the office roof slates and replace the rotten joists and sarking. By tonight they had it all nailed together and the felt on enough for it to be rain tight until it’s re slated. The only down side was half the ceiling plaster fell in when they started hammering !
Willie appeared with his 360 digger to tidy up along the side of the shed needing the new gutter which involved howking out lots of tree roots and stumps. Mr M wasn’t too keen when a rat made a run for it from under one of them, don’t think he likes rats !
Spent a good part of the day disposing of the huge pile of roofers waste that was dumped in one of our gateways last month. The biggest problem was all the nails mixed in among it- no doubt we will be getting endless punctures.
Our other friendly contractor , Mr L , in cutting some of the hedges as it is that time of year again. It never ends.

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