Pick me up

From a certain angle I thought this crane looked like it was about to lift St Magnus cathedral and plop it elsewhere.

I took a walk round the Peerie Sea after taking our household rubbish to the tip in Kirkwall. It was such a glorious day, a slight nip in the air and beautiful light that I couldn't bear the thought of simply driving home and in all the time I've been here I've never walked this particular route. Plenty of dog walkers, mums strolling with little ones and some interesting birds on the water; just good to be out for a wander rather than stuck indoors with boxes!

I had an appointment this morning too and realised when I got home and went to write down my next one that I need a 2021 diary. Thank goodness I did as my internet transaction was refused; we phoned the company and discovered someone had hacked my card and was running up massive bills as we watched :-0 Thankfully, all is well although I've now to wait for a new card - but I still haven't ordered a diary!

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