
By bjebnnby7227

Belated valentine

Highlight of my day: receiving my first ever Valentine's Day card from a boy in my 3e class, Bronco, who has apparently taken a liking to me. :D ha...

I left Emma to sleep in, and she then got the train to Paris to meet me after work at 3. We went to a nice café where apparently famous writers would go to write, Le Fumoir (where we befriended a random woman from Brazil), for a drink. It was right next to the Louvre so we went there next, and left just at the right time to see the glass pyramid in the dark(ish). We walked all the way up the Jardin des Tuileries and the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe (my legs absolutely shattered by then) where we met Elisabo, and climbed up the Arc to see the view of Paris by night, which none of us had done before. We then got the metro to St Michel for a cheap 3-course-for-10 meal (but not a very nice one). Emma then went to stay at Elisabo's and I made my way home (2 hour journey compared to the usual 20 minutes, due to delayed trains and replacement buses!)

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