One good fern deserves another!

So much for a great week weatherwise! We had some weak sunshine this morning; just as well as I had a meeting up at McCaig's Tower with the Technical Officer from the council. I wanted to hear his views on the garden development and management proposals that I'd put forward, but they hadn't been passed on to him; I therefore had to go over everything again. He was very amenable to my ideas for the Tower, and several other ideas, which he should be of course, seeing as we're proposing to do some of his work for him free! At least we have the go-ahead for several projects and I asked for his agreement in writing, just in case someone complains!

Spent some time on my garden bank this afternoon until the gloom set it and drizzle began at 3 o'clock. I cleared the last of the fern fronds and piled them on to the leaf heap. So my Blip today is of a mystery fern which I brought with me when I retired from Arduaine and which I grew from spores acquired from the BPS (British Pteridological Society) spore list in 2007. It was labelled as Megalastrum spectabile, which it quite plainly isn't judging by photographs of that Chilean species. I've no idea what it is, but I like the variation in frond color at this time of year. I've been hoping for some time that it will form a clump so that I can split it and have another, but so far it's remaining solitary.

Limerick of the Day:

That ridiculous man Donald Trump
Has less brain power than poor Forrest Gump!
With his lies and abuse
He will often produce
More hot air than a bicycle pump!

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