Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Having set up a system to update this drawing every Monday morning, and written the instructions so that any of my colleagues could take over while I was gallivanting off on my annual leave, Boris decided to turn the entire map dark lockdown purple and I postponed my leave.

And now that my leave has been re-booked to coincide with the end of lockdown 2 Boris has decided that I am going to be in tier 3 anyway. There are no longer enough days remaining of this year to postpone my leave again.

But not only that, the gov.uk web-page that lists which area is in which tier has chosen to alter its format and that means that my efficient updating system no longer works as described in my written instructions. They have dispensed with the correct titles for individual districts and substituted archaic terms such as “The Humber” and “The Black Country” to cover groups of districts. Idiots!

Plus, does this make any sense at all in any language?
"avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey"

I would have thought it was essential to travel through other areas as part of a longer journey.

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