I went to my friend Jan's in Nottingham, taking everything necessary to cook lunch for her as she'd had a hand operation. She's getting more movement in her bandaged right hand and more capable with the left, but not quite up to cooking yet.

Her house is sold and she's found one to buy, but hasn't had her offer accepted yet. Most of her house is packed up around her as she'll probably have to put it into storage for a while but I was able to help with a bit of packing/sorting etc.

I came home with a picture frame, a book, two bottles of red and a bag of very good clothes for my favourite charity shop... when they open again, a few of which I'm going to try on ;-)

When I got home I immediately set off for a swift walk around a very big block, but was stopped in my tracks not far up the road by the sight of real (as opposed to pole, brush and watertank) windowcleaners. Now goodness knows when my windows were last cleaned. I did try with the upstairs but not very successfully. I asked if the windowcleaners were taking on more houses and hurrah yes they were. "I'll pop round in 15-20 minutes" he said, so my walk was slightly delayed. A lovely day :-)

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