
By Rapunzel


This sculpture stands in Tamworth, Staffordshire, and commemorated one of her bravest sons, Colin Grazier.

During WW2, while a sailor on HMS Petard, he volunteered to search a rapidly sinking U-boat, with Lieutenant Francis Fasson. They passed all the information they could find to a 16 year old NAAFI assistant, Tommy Brown, who was waiting on the conning tower. Sadly the submarine sank before Colin Grazier and Francis Fasson could escape.

However, the documents he recovered proved invaluable to the British war effort, as they included code books that were the clue to breaking the Enigma Code.

It is thought that his actions and sacrifice shortened the war by at least a year, and saved thousands of lives.

Colin Grazier was awarded a posthumous George Cross for outstanding bravery and steadfast devotion to duty in the face of danger.

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