Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

AGM - Chairman's Toolkit.

A back blip from yesterday - It was the Camera Club AGM last night.

As chair, I had an awful lit of organising to do beforehand. The meeting flies by, but, at times, it feels like herding cats.

Our treasurer retired after 19 years and the club secretary has had to relinquish her role due to other things preventing her from having enough time to commit. New elections were held. In addition, she wasn't able to go lat night so I was scribe as well as chair.

Some interesting discussions and potential developments for the club with increased emphasis on developing skills and techniques amongst our new and inexperienced members. Its great to see the most knowledgable and proficient club-goers willing to share their skills.

As usual, the meeting closed just a few minutes before the time we get thrown out of the venue. I got home feeling tired and ready for bed.

Today's blip will follow later this evening (I hope!).

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