Blossom Friday...

We seemed to have missed out on the forecast fog here in essex today, but we did get to enjoy some frost!  That's why a hot chocolate was much needed - with cream on top! - when we nipped out for some shopping today! Thermals were purchased at M&S - very essential shopping!!  There's blossom about too on the trees!

Had another batch of Tulips delivered today so that's my weekend sorted finding room for those! Got some cactus plants as well with the order so just about to repot those and hopefully avoid injury! I do love Cactus but I don't love their prickles!!

Today seems to have mostly been spent deleting sales emails from my inbox!!

It's also my niece's 13th birthday today - she's self isolating with her family right now so wont' be able to celebrate but we've sent a few goodies via post to hopefully make the day go a bit better! She's having to home school as well so hopefully she didn't have bad lessons to dampen her party mood!

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