Day 245 - more catching up

I was up at 6am!!!
I joined the business banter at 9:30 am and then had a call with Laura - who is looking to build up a new company and needed a Brand shoot.

Again a booking and a big shoot in December :)
I am having a roll this month!!

I recorded a video testimonial for Giles, did a facebook life, then had another call with a mindset coach in Canterbury.
We got on so well it ended up being 2.5 hours instead of the planned 30 minutes. 
We both got so much out of it and found a few common loves when she told me that she was a Pearl Jam fan ......

I have booked a session with her on procrastination - looking forward to it.

I did not manage all before Neil came home and we opened a bottle of wine and talked about our day.

Emergency blip from my girly corner in my room.
Look I found an old photo of myself from the time I has red hair!! 
That is over 20 years ago .... 

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