Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Southend Cenotaph WW2 Lifesize Statue.

Unlike yesterday which brightened up considerably after a dull start today was forecast to be dull and stay that way all day.  As this is a journal I thought it best to record the day rather that try and find something cheerful to photograph. 
I should really have taken a shot of the full statue to give scale so I will go back another day.  Went in close as I liked the drip on his chin which gives a clearer idea of the dampness and stillness of the day.  I think if there had been a drip on his nose I would have had to brush it away to retain respect for what is being portrayed.  
However in a lighter moment I spotted this memorial in a nearby public garden.  A film fan or a reflection of fatal digestive troubles.  See extra.

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