Spot the culprit!

About 2pm I got cabin fever and decided that even though it was dull I needed to get some fresh air. I combined St Ives Estate and the moor. I thought St Ives would be busy, and there were cars parked everywhere, and lots of dog walkers, but not as busy as I had anticipated. However crossing to the moor I saw more people that I have ever seen on that route, including cyclists trying to lift bikes over stiles and churning up the mud! Main images are of the cheeky squirrel I spotted whilst in the bird hide - a bit out of focus as he was scurrying about and trying to hide in amongst the leaves - I then noticed the feeder had been pulled to the ground, so I suspect he was the culprit! In the extra you can see the fog up on the tops - almost couldn’t see the sheep or the rocks on the moor, and the top of the golf course was still covered with frost. Many branches had droplets which shimmered, and there were lots of glittery cobwebs around too. Still some autumn colour left on a few trees, although around the pond the trees looked rather dull as the light diminished. Good to get out though!

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