Sunset ride (Day 2030)

Another fine sunrise for the morning woofer wander heralded a fine day to come (extra).
I was back home in time to see my beautiful wife zoom off with Jayne for a morning doing hoss pedicures. I trundled to town and did the weekly shop, getting in and out of Tesco before it got too busy.
Home again I spent some time doing homework - cutting bits of wood for a bathroom re-fit I am starting tomorrow, then getting the van tidied and loaded up. By the time I was finished it was woofer wandering time, so we made our way out to Lyde. The dogs seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves thrashing around in the heather.
Home for lunch and a bit of paperwork before HV came home and we zoomed off to get a really quick ride out on George and Red. At 2.30pm it was beginning to get dark, the sunset colouring the sky as we looked across to Hoy. A grand, if chilly ride out.
As we organised stuff in the shed after the ride, George sneaked in to see if he could pinch a few carrots (extra).

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