
By TBay

Frosty Morning.

I love a good frosty morning and today did not disappoint ! It was so lovely and crisp with a wonderful watery sun. This is Webster crowing as I had just let them out. I have three of these Crested Legbar Cockerels, Webster,  Wilberforce and Wilfred. Sadly I can only keep one to two will have to go! Also three cockerels crowing in the morning does not go down well with they family!!

Little Miss went for her annual scan and regular check up. All is well I am glad to report. Her lung function is good and she is still a good weight. It was particularly good news that one of the newest drugs developed to treat Cystic Fibrosis will be available for however when is about 12. If more development are made she may even get it by the time she is 6. This drug would reduce this disease to asthmatic levels which is quite something, and will also help to reverse any lung damage. Fingers crossed.

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