From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Advent Sunday....

A very different one from other years!

An online service again this morning. The Christmas tree is up and the first advent candle was lit, by Ian at the church and by a member of the congregation in her home, lighting a candle there. The first candle represents hope and something we shall all look towards in the days ahead.

We usually go up with friends to St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, for the evening service on this Advent Sunday. Sadly not this year.

This is a church in our road looking ready for the Christmas season. It usually hosts a wonderful Christmas tree festival of at least forty trees. Sadly not this year...

We are grateful for so much though. My sister mentioned in last Sunday’s Blip, has an appointment for a CT scan next Saturday. Sooner than expected for which we give thanks.

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