What a Talent!

...not Spike for standing on his back legs, but me for managing to catch him doing it!  I told my neighbor, who has a very large basset hound named Hank, that I thought Spike had a little basset in him because his legs are short and his front feet turn out just like a basset. I sent her this picture and she responded, "OK no basset hound can do that!!!!Can he turn in a circle?"

I told her I'd have to get back to her on that!

We managed to move the Christmas tree from the porch to the living room today. I want to put lights on it and we don't have any outdoor fairy lights. We'll put the indoor ones on tomorrow once we figure out where we want it and what to put it on. I loved the comments about what to do with it. ....decorate it for the birds, leave it undecorated as a symbol of hope, and, "whatever you decide to do with it will be the right decision this year..."

One thing is certain, it clearly will take us awhile to accomplish it...with long pauses for contemplation.  It seems to be a modus operandi  that we have developed since the fire because there really is no way to make things happen any faster than they are. We have lots of decisions to make about when and how to rebuild the arbor and the hot tub deck (without a hot tub) and when and what to replant after we see when and how things come back.

For now we are learning that if it takes a week to put up a little Christmas tree or a month to finish the fencing, so be it. I suppose the question of Christmas gifts must be put in the same category. There have been many dire warnings about how there is likely to be 'a spike on top of a spike' in Covid cases since so many people ignored the pleas to celebrate Thanksgiving remotely this year. Sonoma County is holding its own at the moment, probably because we've never gotten out of the purple level of most severe restrictions...even if the stores were open or we could eat inside a restaurant again, I'm not sure I even want to do it. 

We'll just stay home and teach Spike to turn in a circle on his hind legs...

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