A Testimony In Song And A Challenge!

 On this Sunday after Thanksgiving, Eva shared her amazing story of a HUGE blessing in her family's life in the traditional music service and then she sang a stirring and heartfelt rendition of "My Tribute"" which brought tears to my eyes.  The song has been around for a long time, but the blessings God gives us are new every morning.  Just ask Eva! During the joint portion of our service, Dr. David Smith reminded us of the great value in reading God's Word.  He challenged us to read the Bible through in 2021 using whatever plan suited our daily schedules.  He also encouraged us to read through Psalm 119 (Yes, all 176 verses!) this week, so that we could be more aware of the importance of reading God's Word daily, because that is one of the ways to become better acquainted with God and let Him speak o our hearts His words of wisdom, comfort, and love.  I need to hear those things, do you?

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