
By Cygnus

Favourite things

This isn’t so much a blip of my herb and spice racks as much as it is of the little ceramic heart that mrshb70 made last year in her pottery classes and gifted to me for Christmas 2019.

She very kindly painted it grey (like our kitchen cupboards) so it accessorises beautifully! Unfortunately I can’t upload extras on my phone so I can’t show you the reverse, which has her signature and the date. For authenticity, of course.

This Monday afternoon I am at home, in the first week of a two week restrictive ‘circuit breaker’ in Northern Ireland. Let’s hope the COVID cases fall, as we’re doing Christmas at home this year. Both my daughters have bought their travel tickets, so we’re all set! The Ards Man and I just have to do a bit of a tidy and clean....and find bed linen for the girls’ rooms and travel cots! Two babies this year. Well, a toddler and a baby. I love this time in our lives where the number of place settings around the table is growing.

I’m loitering and listening to the Essential Yo-Yo Ma. All is well in this corner of the neighbourhood.

Hope everyone has a good week.

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