Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Britain 2013

Recently the Appeal Courts have found that the governments schemes whereby benefit claimants must work for nothing for private companies or have their benefits stopped for 6 months or more, (rendering them destitute) constitutes FORCED LABOUR and thus is illegal under British anti slavery laws. This is Ian Duncan-Smith response when questioned about it on the radio.

What do we do when we are ruled by Cameron, Osborne and the other posh boys from the Bullingdon Club? People who's world view makes them defend the criminal bankers whose irresponsible greed destroyed the economy of the world, cut taxes for the richest in our society while cutting benefits for the poorest, harassing the disabled, overseeing cuts in ordinary peoples wages while doing nothing to stop the payment of millions in bonuses to bankers who are failing us, and forcing people to work as a slave labour force for highly profitable companies. What do we do when we are faced with naked Class Warfare administered by people without a shred of empathy or compassion for the people they destroy? What do we do when the opposition, the Labour Party, is still essentially the Diet-Tory party that war criminals like Tony Blair changed it into?

What do we do?

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