
By DiamondJack

Dot's Cake

My daughter made this cake for Dot. My wife is one of Dot's carers. Dot was born on February 22nd, 1923. This country was still recovering from the horrendous slaughter of the First World War which ended 5 years previous. A whole generation had been wiped out or seriously injured. Most families were still grieving their loss of husbands, fathers and sons.

Electricity was still a new fangled invention. Most houses had outside toilets and were lit with gas mantles. Open fires were the norm, powered by coal. Cars were still quite rare and horse drawn vehicles were slowly being phased out in favour of petrol driven vans and tractors.

On March 2nd Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon married King George VI. She would become the Queen Mother.

I would say that Dot has seen some fantastic changes in her life. Household appliances, comfort and communication have changed beyond all recognition.

Dot enjoys knitting and I know she is going to be thrilled with her cake. Well done, Nic! A masterpiece!

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