I Promise to do my Best

Today our news was that we let our two Kittehz, Twenty and Phelps out into the garden for the first time. Betsy's photo was so much better than mine, I couldn't blip it!

I was very anxious about letting them out, so I only let them go out for about ten minutes before breakfast and lunch, so when I started to get the food out they would come running back. This only worked with Twenty who got her feet wet in a puddle and didn't seem to like it much, but it was not successful with Phelps who was excitedly sniffing everywhere and didn't want to come back in! This really suprised me as he is a famous gannet and eats way, way more than Twenty.

Anyway, all safe and sound and I will try again tomorrow. I am sad that they aren't little kittens anymore (it's my age!), and very worried that they will get lost or hurt, but I must say the thought that I can eventually say goodbye to the litter trays is very welcome!

In the evening, we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Betsy is a huge fan and read all the books and seen all the films, and Al is about half way through this process. I've been dreading watching / reading this one again as it is l-o-n-g (particularly the book) and very, very dark, but I enjoyed it more than I thought, it was less harrowing than I remembered. Betsy re-watches all the films on a regular basis, but never that one (HP fans will know why!) so I had forgotten what a proper, good grown-up film it is. I much prefer the last half of the films than the first, so I'm looking forward to sharing the rest with Al, though we have thousands and thousands of pages to read before then!

Earlier in the day I finished the Cubs cushion. I finished it off with a dressing-gown cord I bought for £1.49 I am a class act!

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