Hey Waitress???

Can I have some more bread please??? haha Here is Jessica with Granny's apron on and bringing the bread in with my dinner!!

Well, as you know I was at the hospital for my wee biopsy this morning. You would think that after gone through labour 4 times that mentally I would be able to deal with a "nee nick" in my cheek??? Obviously not, I was an emotional wreck and as soon as the nurses started talking to me that was me a blubbering mess!! When it came round to the actual procedure....I never felt a thing....thank goodness, can you just imagine the state of me then?? 3 stitches later and it's all over. Anyway after feeling a bit funny after it for 10 mins, a wee drink of water sorted me out.

While eating my dinner last night stitch no 1 came out. My mouth didn't bleed so wasn't concerned. Then later in the evening the remaining 2 stitches were slowly moving in my mouth. So much so that I removed it about 9pm. Still no blood and it's healing nicely. Should I be concerned that they came out so quickly??

I.ve to go back in a months time to get the biopsy results. I am not concerned about it. I did bite it and then it kept getting in the road.

From a very happy lady who no longer has a wee lump on the inside of her mouth!

See you all later


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