Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Minor Blip

Apologies I haven't been able to catch up with your Blip journals from yesterday, Blipfoto was having problems this morning when I usually log on just to review and comment.  I'll try and catch up this weekend.

A busy day in work, non-stop really.  I had to do a presentation to our owners this afternoon and they were blown away by what's on our agenda, we are taking the Sustainability agenda seriously.  I always like to be ahead of the game.

Heard from one of my best friends today who has COVID-19, he's still struggling with it, bad fatigue and headaches, but better than what he was last week, it really wiped him out, as it did his wife.  He has no idea of where he could have contacted it from, he's only been to the supermarket and barbers, and his wife to the hairdressers.  I'm glad he's improving, I suspect it might take a little while before he's 100% fighting fit again.  A terrible virus which has affected so many people.

Apologies for the naff blip, I just haven't had chance to get out today.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Hearing from my friend, I was worried

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