T2 Pt2-003 Q Bar

Oh the decadence of going out two nights running.

I had a riding lesson first thing; fun for me and my coach after a month off. The school was a bit of a bog after yesterday which wasn't helping but most of the errors were definitely mine. We got there in the end.

Work was a bit quiet. I often do this before a week off. I go hell for leather for most of the week before and then find the last day is suspiciously quiet. I have a great team, they'll be fine without me bothering them and getting in the way.

I also caught up with my boss. They've postponed the permanent role interviews until after christmas which means they've had to extend my contract by two months to allow me to complete the process. I still don't know what the issue is, and it makes little difference to my potential redundency payout, but two months salary is two months salary.

Have a great weekend everyone. Thank you for all your stars and comments.

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