Cheers ,Salut, .....

Well it was either this blip or a 4 of our photo group was self portrait. 

Quite a busy day. Wet.. again..That will teach me about having some time outside with the camera !

An extra long walk with Fletch then off to Tesco. Not too busy so got a few extras for Christmas..Decided to nip to Dunhelm for some more towels as they match the new bathroom cupboards so year they'll be a different shade no doubt. Also popped across the carpark to Curry's but they have only a very few printers and not what I wanted, so I shall wait. 

Home and took out Fletch another ' evening walk.. .. .at 4pm it is already dark sigh!.

Did a pile.of washing and then tea, wine and Amazon prime instead of Netflix. Did some more knitting. I wish I could download the cable patterns as it's fiddly working from screenshots!
Received my first Christmas card today (.from someone who's moved and not given me her new address!)

I'd better get writing..

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