
By Jen_Elliot

Give Us Space

I swithered about putting this up. I was interested to know if there would be any notice or explanation of the white bike and the sign 'give us space' but there nothing at the site. Had noticed the bike first from another local bliper, then from the car window when driving past. Walked along intentionally to see it, to think of Heather Stronach and Stuart Elliot and to pray to the cycling gods to spare me.

I don't know if this white bike is an 'official' white bike but I have heard the white bikes are a memorial/warning function. They are put up, IF the family are in agreement, as a memorial to a cyclist who has died and as a warning to other cyclists that this is a dangerous junction. It hopefully makes drivers reflect too. It is moving and powerful. I am sorry Porty has one but glad this time one has gone up. Overall, on balance, I support them and see the value in them.

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