Pucker up.

J dropped me in town this morning, while he went off to the model shop. I had a look in the charity shops, went to the bank, the first time since March, and I have to say I was impressed with the service. The only problem was, because the bank was warm, my nose started to run inside my mask. Not a good experience at all. At this point I didn't have a blip but on my way back to meet J, I saw the mistletoe for sale outside the shop I saw the teapots in  last week. I put my shopping bag down, got my camera out, and just as I was going to take a photo, the owner opened the door and asked me if I wanted to buy any. Well of course I didn't, but I smiled and said, no thank you but what a great idea.  
Well the Netflix experience was great last night & we started watching The Designated Survivor. We are having a curry soon, with onion bhajis and naan bread.
Thank to Random angel for hosting Silly Saturday.

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