First Snowfall

And we spent some time doing some errands including a Covid test for Jon as one of his co-workers tested positive.  They have not worked together and he has no symptoms but he was asked to work entirely remotely and get a test just to be sure.  It'll take 2-3 days for results.

In Extra is an early visitor as I sat down with a cup of coffee this morning and prepared to listen to Deepak and Oprah do a 20 minute meditation.

Just a few quick walks with Myles for "business" only and some sewing when we got home.  I finished a quilt for Na'iema, may be tomorrow's Blip. 

Oh and importantly, I did go back for the Poinsettia and as luck would have it the girl at Customer Service found it in the self-checkout area this morning so I did get to take one home.

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