Today's Special

By Connections

Just Passing Through

I was very surprised when I looked out our bedroom window about 8:30 a.m. to see a fine-looking bobcat strolling along the top of our fence!

Our back yard abuts a greenbelt, and we've seen and/or heard a wide range of birds and animals there, from hummingbirds to deeer, but never a bobcat until today. 

I don't know the gender of this one, but think it likely to be an adult male, as they range in weight from 14 to 40 pounds (6.4 to 18.3 kg), with an average of 21 pounds (9.6 kg) and average three feet in length. Females are considerably smaller. An adult bobcat stands 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) at the shoulders.

Bobcats are solitary; males and females get together only for courtship and mating. Females raise their young alone--usually two to four kittens, born in April or May.

In dim light, they can see up to six times better than humans. Bobcats usually hunt at dawn or dusk. This website has more photos and information about these handsome wild felines.

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