The new flat

I'm officially moving out of my apartment at the turn of the month. However, as I've had the key since Monday this week, my parents and I moved my stuff into my new flat today. It's a small one-bedroom apartment in a detached house a little distance away from the previous flat. As you can see, nothing fancy, but good enough for a student and hopefully improvement for one who's been miserable with his living condition. I've had trouble sleeping at the previous apartment due to random thumping, banging and stomping noises coming from upstairs throughout the nights. So far the new flat seems quiet. At least there are now upstairs neighbours as the building has only one floor. As you can see in the picture, there is still a lot of organizing to do as we just moved the stuff in and have only organized some of the major things in place. The picture is taken by my computer/work table, which is by the window. On the bottom left (your left) you can see the end of my bed. Next to that is the dining table. On the right there is a small walk-in closet. The "kitchen" area with the fridge, oven, sink, cupboards, etc. is in the back and the toilet and the shower can be accessed next to the kitchen. My lease on the old flat runs until the end of March, but that's ok as I should get my rent deposit back and the new flat is actually more than a 100 euros cheaper than the previous one.

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