things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

such a lovely, lovely day....

I'd been looking forward to today for ages, I try to meet up with my lovely friend F every half term or so. We do naturey things, RSPB reserves, birds, lots and lots of nattering and if cake is involved then even better!

Today however was extra special because we also got D & her son too! In another life a few years ago both of these lovely ladies were colleagues as well as friends - we had the lives of self employed musicians. I no longer have but they still do. I'd not seen D for about 10 years...way too long! We all very nicely agreed we looked the same and had a day full of laughter and smiles, even if it was incredibly cold out on the reserve...incredibly!

D's son knows so much about nature, it was a pleasure to listen to him and talk to him about what he loves...he even had a go with my camera, big lens and all :)

Great F moment involving her specs and where they actually were...

Such a lovely, lovely 5 hours or so, we MUST keep doing it!

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