
By simisue


Today is the 79th anniversary of PEARL HARBOR, when the US honors the over 2000 lives lost, with over 1000 aboard the USS Arizona.  It was a ship named in honor of the young state & christened by representatives from Arizona when it was launched from NY in 1915.  It was later sent to Hawaii, where it was bombed & sunk by the Japanese, early on a Sunday morning, in 1941. One of its anchors & gun barrels lays outside the state capital. To this day, the ship's bell rings in the University of Arizona's Student Union building. Around the state, government buildings fly flags at half-mast from sunrise to sunset.

This Blip is my shadow at the labyrinth located at California Lutheran University.  Today is another extremely windy day & there is power outages all over our city; but, we have power, for now.  My biggest concern is there is a wildfire about 20 miles west of our house.  It will be a restless night....

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