Today's very tricky challenge......the fullcar park at Bluewater, Kent...where we went to see Les Miserables in the posh seats with endless drinks, a muffin, nachos and chocolates!! Amazing film...had a little sob especially on the song "Bring him home" as I think about that tune a lot when The Rev is travelling and now it is appropriate for my eldest J....who is coming home tomorrow for the weekend! Hooray....
O managed to con us out a few quid....new shoes, a canapé mould and a pasta maker. The Rev got a new "Noel Edmonds" shirt and I got knickers...ooooer! But I enjoyed the time to browse...think I've found my much desired 3 tiered cake stand.....but I'll procrastinate a bit longer!!

Did another 5K- walk#36.... Only 14 to go!


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