
By BentleyTBear

Thriving during Lockdown!

Lockdown was so last week!  However, in catching up around the house, I suddenly realised that the Aloe Vera in the top room window (which I almost given up on after the summer - and certainly neglected) had been busy growing and budding.  It wasn't this lush green a few weeks ago!

I am now in a dilemma; do I continue to ignore it, for it's own best interest, or do I try and move it to a larger pot?  I think I will leave it to do it's own thing for the rest of 2020.

There wasn't too much else to say about the day; it was very cold for Oxfordshire in early December.  I made the mistake of carrying an aluminium ladder outside without gloves.  It was amazing how quickly the warmth was stripped out of my fingers; making doing the simplest maintenance task virtually impossible.  Lesson: Wear Gloves!!!

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